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ACUPUNCTURE LOTUSSPACE®PRESS TEXTS see also http://plumblossomclinic.org http://www.elephantjournal.com/2008/12/conscious-citizens-interview-michael-hamilton-qi-gong-instructor-and-acupuncturist/
* Worker's Compensation * No Fault Auto * ASHN * HMSA * HMAA * Kaiser * Blue Cross/Blue Shield Places of Practice: (treatment by appointment only) (808) 728-2954 Outcalls also available
Kapahulu-Kaimuki: 1113 Kapahulu Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816 (808) 728-2954
COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE (808) 728-2954 Sustaining Affordable and Effective Treatment
In Asia, acupuncture traditionally consisted of a quick intake,
pulse & tongue diagnosis, and several people lying with needles in one communal
room. This model can work in the West as well. By treating people all together,
it is much more affordable for everyone, allowing for more frequent treatments,
and faster results.
Sundays 2-5pm Inner Rhythm Holistic Healing School 931 University Av.; (corner of King and University)
Tuesdays 5-8pm Hands Towards Heaven Lomi Lomi Clinic 1113 Kapahulu Ave.
Past Community Clinics: [2009-12] 1200 Queen Ema St. Capitol Place Yoga Studio (new Honda-condo building; across the street from St. Andrews Cathedral) 5th floor in Yoga Room (non-residents must sign in at 1st floor)
[2006-9] ONGKING Arts Center 184 N.King St. (near corner of King and River; upstairs)
Find answers to Common Questions about acupuncture. What conditions are treatable with acupuncture? How many treatments will I need? Is there anything I need to do before receiving an acupuncture treatment? Is there anything I can do while receiving acupuncture? What can I expect after treatment?
Learn more about acupuncture:
FDA Reclassification of the Acupuncture Needle Clinical Studies on Effectiveness of Acupuncture NIH Conclusions on Acupuncture WHO Citations of Effectiveness of Acupuncture
Articles from the column To the Point:
Papers on esoteric acupuncture theory: vector equilibrium meridian model